My Signature Vita B5 Toner


My Signature Vita B5 Toner

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My Signature Vita B5 Toner

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 2 Reviews
combination PIHAcneBlackheads+ 6
Hidden Gem

I'm honestly surprised how no one is raving over this toner like Pyunkang yul essence toner or dear klairs supple preparation toner, because Tiam vita b5 toner is honestly BOMB! I recently discovered I was suffering from fungal acne so I had to drop everything from my routine except for this toner as it is FA safe, and it is truly a lifesaver. This toner is super hydrating yet lightweight enough that I believe oily skin types in colder climates can use this. I live in a humid humid climate and with my combo skin I can still tolerate it. However, now that it's raining every single time here, I truly appreciate this toner. It has a slightly viscous and watery texture, kinda in between a watery toner and a thick toner like Hada labo premium gokujyun toner. This is also the only thing that doesn't irritate my broken skin. Not even Apieu madecassoside ampoule can hold a candle to this toner when it comes to calming irritated skin. Only love for this toner. I highly recommend!

normal FungalDehydratedUneven
soooo hydrating !!!

honestly how is it that no one is raving about this toner??? It's JUST as hydrating as the Dear, Klairs - Supple Preparatin (scented version) toner but at a cheaper price!! Will deeeeefinitely get another bottle when my current one finishes!! 10/10 would recommend those with normal dehydrated skin like myself :)