Vita Duo Joan Night Cream


Vita Duo Joan Night Cream

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Vita Duo Joan Night Cream

from 2 Ratings

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Community: 1 Rating • 1 Review
combination PIHPoresUneven

phylea has left a 4 star rating.
oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 4
Brilliant Daily Product.

As someone who has followed Joan, the creator of this product, I brought it because I trust her integrity when it comes to skincare. She regularly uploads skincare empties and daily routines which always contains brilliant products and detailed reviews.
This product comes with the green day cream, perfect for under makeup as it absorbs fast, and a lavender night cream. Both of which I have been using regularly and loved. I have oily skin so often heavy moisturisers do not work for me- this product provides moisture without feeling heavy on the skin. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

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