Beauty Water

Son & Park

Beauty Water

Average rating from 390 Ratings

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Beauty Water

from 390 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 9 Ratings • 12 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
combination Anti-AgingBlackheadsPores+ 2
Really like it

My skin looks better since starting to use this water.
I use it mainly in the morning, it preps my skin and mainly I see a difference in size of my pores (they are smaller) and how my BB looks during the day. The skin is nicely smooth and glows.
I don´t think it is overly hydrating, the hydration is moderate, but it is not drying at all.
I used it a few times to take my makeup off when I was just lazy to do the double cleansing. It is not ideal, but it works great and my skin feels clean and does not break out.
The only negative thing is the price, wish it was cheaper.

oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 5
Love and hate

Love and Hate. This did not harm my skin until now. I was using this since two months on alt days. But Bad thing is that its having harmful Ingredients in it so hopefully this does react bad on my skin on long run. Thanks to SkinCarisma for making me understand Ingredients
so that I am cautions now.

oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 4
I thought it was okay until I read up.

Honestly, before purchasing products you should read reviews AND look into the ingredients. I purchased this from Sokoglam because it was well received and a popular item. Since using it, I haven't see a massive change.

After joining this website I found that this is bad for sensitive skin and it contains small concentrations of products linked to breast cancer. I'm definitely hesistent to use the rest of the bottle.

combination PIHBlackheadsFungal+ 3

I have an ups and downs with this product, I love it coz it leaves my skin smooth and pores appear to be smaller. But I HATE IT that it GIVES ME ACNE WITH MARKS. Also it gave me bumps, but there are days that it won't. PLUS TOO PRICEY FOR SO MANY ingredients that AREN'T beneficial to skin.

Sometimes I give up and sometimes I go back.


I feel played.

oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 4

giovanna has left a 5 star rating.
combination PIHBlackheadsPores+ 2
No beauty in this water

It dried my drier areas so this made appear some comedones who became in acne spots and after that they became some post Inflammatory hyperpigmentation spots so now i have to deal with them. In the other side I noticed my pores cleaner and my blackheads less visible in my nose (my problematic area). The sensation in the skin at the time you put it is so fresh, I don't felt burning, itching and my skin did not turn red or inflamed, I did not feel burning in the eyes and that's a good point for a product who has some alcohol denat in the formula. I don't feel like this product will hydrate the skin.
I will no repeat the product, for the fact that it has alcohol denat and the fragrance is so strong also i don't recommend it for any type of skin not even an oily one also i don't recommended it as a toner or as a makeup remover.

normal PoresDehydratedUneven+ 1

adilabaraja has left a 4 star rating.
combination AcneAnti-AgingPores+ 2

mrscamou has left a 1 star rating.
oily PIHAcneBlackheads+ 3
Lovely toner, but too pricey imo

Got this in a sample size and have used this as a toner for the past two months. Lovely product, but I feel like it's basically micellar water. Thankfully it lasts a long while, because 30 USD is a little more than I want to pay for the full-sized product. It's not paraben free, which isn't great... but hey, I haven't broken out and it doesn't smell offensive, which is more than I can say for a lot of toners

oily PIHAcneAnti-Aging+ 2
My HG Toner

Ok, so I use this for many different things, as a micellar water and makeup remover (it easily removes even the most stubborn eye makeup), and as a toner for after I double cleanse. It doesn't sting (unless I get it in my eyes but really, toners do not belong in the eyes!), brightens, evens the skin tone, gets rid of oiliness, and soothes my skin. Despite all this I personally found it to be very gentle on the skin, as it doesn't break me out, dry me out, or cause redness. I actually found it to be quite hydrating. I don't believe it will exfoliate like they claim, if you want exfoliation look elsewhere imo, but this works fabulously as a toner and micellar water.

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