Watery Cream Alpine Berry


Watery Cream Alpine Berry

Average rating from 14 Ratings

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Watery Cream Alpine Berry

from 14 Ratings

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Rating Breakdown

Community: 2 Ratings • 2 Reviews | Other Sources: 1 Ratings
dry BlackheadsSensitiveWhiteheads
My holy-grail moisturiser

As stated, this is my holy-grail moisturiser. I have tried others that have been good, but none as good as this. It's quite lightweight and probably wouldn't be enough alone for people with very dry skin, but that suits me just fine as I enjoy using toners/essences to boost hydration. It sinks in very quickly so is good for night-time use as well without worrying about feeling sticky. It sits very well under sun-screen and make up. It does have a slight scent, but I find it dissipates quickly.

To sum up:
- lightweight and suitable for both day and night
- smooth application, feels creamy but dissolves quickly
- sits well under other creams and make up
- smells slightly sweet, herbally and of cloves, I find
- those with dry skin may find that this isn't enough on its own and will need to use some form of hydration booster underneath, I don't personally have a problem with that but it's worth noting if you want a cream that is very intensely hydrating

oily AcneBlackheadsFungal+ 2
Lightweight Organic Moisturizer for OIly Skin

Primera is a brand to go to if you really looking for an organic fragrant free product which is kind to the skin. The texture is creamy but still lightweight and the key ingredient, niacinamide really helps lighten up the skin. I used to have oily skin and live in a humid weather country but this product really moisturize my face and gradually my skin shift to combo skin type instead.

combination Anti-AgingPoresDehydrated+ 1

paintdat has left a 5 star rating.
combination PIHAcnePores+ 2

chensuvien has left a 2 star rating.
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