Fundamental Ampule Mist


Fundamental Ampule Mist

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Fundamental Ampule Mist

from 1 Ratings

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Community: 0 Ratings • 1 Review
dry RosaceaSensitiveDehydrated
if u have super dry skin u need to try this !!

The klairs ampule mist became an absolute essential part of my skincare routine after i used it for the first time <3 a true love story for the ages. Unlike other skincare sprays that just feel like water and provide little to no moisturizing effect on your skin after the initial spray, the klairs ampule mist immediately feels moisturizing and even gives you a film like feeling of moisture that stays on your skin and actually feels like its doing something.
I use it after I clean my face to avoid how dry I feel after cleaning my face, and if I'm feeling extra dry, then I use it before applying my cream as well. Its an absolute game changer and I'd definitely recommend it for people with dry skin! And if you have sensitive skin or rosacea like me, then don't worry, this has never once irritated my skin, if anything it helped me handle my skin when it was going through those extra sensitive phases !

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