Licorice PH Balancing Cleansing Toner


Licorice PH Balancing Cleansing Toner

Average rating from 22 Ratings

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Licorice PH Balancing Cleansing Toner

from 22 Ratings

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Community: 14 Ratings • 8 Reviews
dry Anti-AgingDehydrated

zachalian has left a 5 star rating.
combination AcneEczemaSensitive+ 1
hydrating & brightening toner!

I started using this in my early skincare journey to make my hyperpigmentation fades away and been constantly repurchasing this buddy for the past 2 years (it's probably my 4 or 5th bottle right now). this toner is very hydrating! you can using the layering technique for extra hydration or even using this toner as mask with cotton pads. I am the type of person who doesn't care with "what's my cleanser", but I think this toner is the one who helping to hydrate my skin after that "any cleanser" stripping off my oil. moreover, this toner has a balanced pH & licorice!!! I never thought the licorice will do anything to my skin, but it does brightening my complexion! this product worth every penny!!!

combination None
Hydrating and Glowing Toner

This acwell toner is very suitable for sensitive skin. The texture is very light and fast absorbing. I like to alternate this toner with Etude Soon Jung toner in my daily routine. I like the calming, refreshing and glowy look that i had from using this toner. Besides, it is antiaging, brightening and good for acne fighting. Love this toner so much.

combination AcnePoresUneven+ 1
For gentle exfoliation and supple skin

my holy grail! ive been using this occassionally when my skin feels dull and during breakouts. it calms my skin, and eventually leaves glowing skin. usually i would continue using serum and moisturizer. i really love how it lift my dead skin cells, and dirts from my skin. i would recommend this product to all skin types!

normal PIHAcnePores+ 4
balancing toner yang bikin supple skin

Utamanya ini ada licorice root extract ini ada di list ketiga ingridients yang perannya sebagai antioksidan, humektan, skin conditioning, dan sebagai aroma natural. Ohiya, sebenernya licorice extract ini terkenal bgt buat jerawat dan mencerahkan.

Selain itu ada citric acid (yg punya kulut sensi is not good) bagus untuk anti aging dan pH adjusting. Ohiya ada camelia sinesis leaf extract untuk melembabkan bagi kulit berminyak.

NAHHH karena kulitku normal to dry (only dry at nose) di kulit ku terasa lembab dan bikin kenyal gtu udahnya aromanya yaa kayak ekstrak tumbuhan gitu, teksturnya cair warna kuning. Aku pakai 3 tetes dengan setengah kapas silcot aja udah berasa lembab semuka, udahnya ga berasa lengket dan sting atau apapun meski ada citric acidnya so far aman aja gak menimbulkan jerawat di aku dan enaknya ada efek menenangkan kulit, jadi menurutku ini termasuk hydrating toner.

Btw toner ini paraben, alcohol, sulfate, silicon, dan eu allergen free tapi gak safe buat fungal acne(malassezia).

Soal kemasan ini praktis, botol plastik dengan tutup flip ukurannya juga lumayan besar jd bisa awet 1-2 bulan.

combination PIHAcne

suaraedelweiss has left a 5 star rating.
combination AcneEczemaSensitive+ 1

nicolefritzv has left a 5 star rating.
dry EczemaRosaceaSensitive

ashlim has left a 5 star rating.
oily PIHAcnePores+ 2
My skin likes it!

I tried layering this with my Klairs toner but I don't know why I don't really like the heavy feeling. It works better when I layer it with Soonjung tho, which has the same consistency as this toner. One layer is good enough and I prefer using it with a cotton pad. It's definitely helpful when the weather is super dry and cold! I've been abusing this product from using it once a day to twice a day because everytime I swipe it across my face, I can see dirt being stripped away. Everytime I finish using this toner my skin feels super cleand and smooth without feeling dry or tight. And because it's so good at removing any impurities left on the skin post-cleanser, it helps the rest of the products in my routine to be absorbed better.

Overall, as someone who struggles everyday with pollution, I feel like this has become a staple in my routine that I never thought I would need before. Especially with the affordable price point, what's there not to love?

combination PIHPoresSensitive+ 2

LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PRODUCT! Very good for sweeping off excess dirt after cleansing, and gently exfoliates dead skin cells in your skin's surface. Been using this product for almost an entire year, and LET ME TELL YOU - my skin is SO smooth after continuously using this for several months now, and I have noticed my hormonal acne scars lighten! I just wish it's available from other retailers aside from Soko Glam!

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