🍑 My Combo/Sensitive Routine 🍑

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I have medium light, olive toned skin. My skin is combo and super sensitive; a hint of fragrance will make my skin burn. Generally I'm quite acne prone, unfortunately that includes my back and chest.

Generally I care more about how my products work than how they're packaged, and I prefer avoiding comedogenic/irritating ingredients entirely when possible. I'm alright with some silicones but try to limit parabens and sulfates. The simpler the ingredient list, the better.

And since it's not on the site, I'll mention this here: Lately I've switched out my main cleanser for Sappo Hill's unscented oatmeal soap bar, and I use it for both face and body. It's non-irritating, non-stripping, has a simple ingredient list, and it's also super affordable. It even helped heal the eczema on my hands! If you're sensitive, I highly recommend it. (I haven't been paid to write this, it's honestly just the only thing I've found that doesn't make me feel all dry and itchy when I get out of the shower LOL)

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